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« 集中講義: 「公開鍵暗号の数理」 | トップページ | WISTP 2010: Accepted Papers »

談話会: Constructing pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves using Weil restriction

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Speaker: David Mandell Freeman 氏

所属:Stanford 大学

Title: Constructing pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves using Weil restriction



Abstract: A "pairing-friendly curve" is a curve C over a finite field F_q such that (a) the Jacobian of C has a subgroup of large prime order r, and (b) the r-th roots of unity are contained in an extension field F_{q^k} for some small value of k. Such curves have found many uses in cryptography.

We describe a construction of pairing-friendly genus 2 curves that, for certain embedding degrees k, achieves the smallest known ratio log q/log r for simple, non-supersingular abelian surfaces.  The proof that these curves have the desired properties relates them to Weil restricitons of elliptic curves.

We also describe some experimental results suggesting that our construction fails in certain cases, which leads to some interesting open problems.

This is joint work with Takakazu Satoh.

本談話会は GCOE: 計算世界観の深化と展開(拠点リーダー:渡辺治)の協賛です。

« 集中講義: 「公開鍵暗号の数理」 | トップページ | WISTP 2010: Accepted Papers »





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 談話会: Constructing pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves using Weil restriction:

« 集中講義: 「公開鍵暗号の数理」 | トップページ | WISTP 2010: Accepted Papers »
