CT-RSA 2008 の Accepted Papers らしきもの
CT-RSA 2008 の Accepted Paper List が公開されないなぁと調べていたところ、RSA Conference 2008 の Agenda 一覧なるものを見つけ、CRYP で始まるセッションの内容が極めてそれっぽいように思われるため、勝手に List を作成してみました。各セッションの概要説明にある Topics を論文名とし、順番に Speaker を割り振りました。従って、論文のすべての Author が判明しているわけではありません。最初のセッションだけは概要説明の書き方がちょっと違うので、招待講演の可能性が高いと思います。このルールから微妙にはずれている(Speaker の人数が足りない)セッションについては、Google 情報を使って補正しました (リストでは Authors を括弧で囲んでいます)。
- CRYP-105: Program Obfuscation
Shafi Goldwasser - CRYP-106: Cryptographic Building Blocks
- Efficient Fully-Simulatable Oblivious Transfer
Andrew Lindell - Separation Results on the ``One-More'' Computational Problems
Emmanuel Bresson
- CRYP-107: Hash Function Cryptanalysis
- Security of MD5 Challenge and Response: Extension of APOP Password Recovery Attack
Yu Sasaki - Cryptanalysis of a Hash Function Based on Quasi-Cyclic Codes
Gaëtan Leurent - Cryptanalysis of a class of cryptographic hash functions
Praveen Gauravaram
- Security of MD5 Challenge and Response: Extension of APOP Password Recovery Attack
- CRYP-201: Improved AES Implementations
- Boosting AES Performance on A Tiny Processor Core
Stefan Tillich - A Fast and Cache-Timing Resistant Implementation of the AES
Robert Koenighofer
- Boosting AES Performance on A Tiny Processor Core
- CRYP-202: Fairness in Secure Computation
- An Efficient Protocol for Fair Secure Two-Party Computation
Andrew Lindell - Efficient Optimistic Fair Exchange Secure in the Multi-user Setting and Chosen-key Model without Random Oracles Topic
Mehmet Kiraz - Legally Enforceable Fairness in Secure Multiparty Computation
Qiong Huang
- An Efficient Protocol for Fair Secure Two-Party Computation
- CRYP-301: Cryptography for Limited Devices
- Online/Offline Signature Schemes for Devices with Limited Computing Capabilities
Ping Yu - RFID Security: Tradeoffs between Security and Efficiency
Michael Oestergaard Pedersen
- Online/Offline Signature Schemes for Devices with Limited Computing Capabilities
- CRYP-302: Public Key Encryption with Special Properties
- Identity-Based Threshold Key-Insulated Encryption without Random Oracles
Jian Weng - CCA2 Secure IBE: Standard Model Efficiency through Authenticated Symmetric Encryption Topic
Rune ThorbekYevgeniy Vahlis - Public-Key Encryption with Non-Interactive Opening
Yevgeniy VahlisRune Thorbek
- Identity-Based Threshold Key-Insulated Encryption without Random Oracles
- CRYP-303: Side-Channel Cryptanalysis
- A Major Vulnerability in RSA Implementations due to MicroArchitectural Analysis Threat
(Onur Aciicmez and Werner Schindler) - Fault Analysis Study of IDEA
Benedikt Gierlichs - Susceptibility of UHF RFID Tags to Electromagnetic Analysis
Thomas Plos
- A Major Vulnerability in RSA Implementations due to MicroArchitectural Analysis Threat
- CRYP-401: Key Exchange
- Efficient Two-Party Password-Based Key Exchange Protocols in the UC Framework
Michel Abdalla - Beyond Secret Handshakes: Affiliation-Hiding Authenticated Key Exchange
(S. Jarecki, J. Kim, and G. Tsudik)
- Efficient Two-Party Password-Based Key Exchange Protocols in the UC Framework
- CRYP-402: Cryptanalysis
- Improving the Efficiency of Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Camellia and MISTY1
Jiqiang Lu - Small Secret Key Attack on a variant of RSA (due to Takagi)
Kouichi Itoh
- Improving the Efficiency of Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Camellia and MISTY1
- CRYP-403: Cryptographic Protocols
- Super-Efficient Verification of Dynamic Outsourced Databases
Nikos Triandopoulos - A Latency-Free Election Scheme
Kristian Gjoesteen
- Super-Efficient Verification of Dynamic Outsourced Databases
« HISS 18 | トップページ | ICICS 2008 の Call for Papers »
「Accepted Papers」カテゴリの記事
- PKC 2010: Accepted Papers(2010.02.12)
- ISPEC 2010: Accepted Papers(2010.02.11)
- COSADE 2010: Accepted Papers(2010.01.14)
- PQCrypto 2010: Accepted Papers(2010.02.09)
- WISTP 2010: Accepted Papers(2010.01.27)
- CT-RSA 2010: Accepted Papers(2009.12.02)
- CT-RSA 2009: Accepted Papers(2008.12.24)
- CT-RSA 2009: Submission Deadline Extended(2008.11.12)
- CT-RSA 2009 の Call for Papers(2008.09.09)
- CT-RSA 2008 の Accepted Papers らしきもの(2007.12.26)
論文と発表者の対応がおかしいというご指摘を頂戴したため、Google 情報を参考に、一部発表者を変更しました。情報提供ありがとうございました。
投稿: 杜撰な研究者 | 2007年12月28日 (金) 10時50分