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« 工学系数学統一試験 | トップページ | 墨塗りだけでは不十分 »

Francois Morain's Lecutre

RSNT-ML に流れていた情報です。中央大学理工学部で Morain さんが講演会をされるそうです。詳細情報がウェブで見つけられなかったので、転載します。



場所:中央大学後楽園キャンパス6号館11階 61125A教室

講師:Francois Morain 先生

所属:Professeur d'Informatique, Ecole polytechnique France

Title: Recent improvements to the SEA algorithm in genus 1

Abstract: The only known algorithm for computing the cardinality of
elliptic curves over finite fields of large characteristic is that of Schoof and its improvements by Elkies, Atkin and others. Recently, new improvements were given to some parts of the algorithm, including the fast computation of modular polynomials, asymptotically fast algorithms for computing isogenies, and the eigenvalue phase for which techniques very similar to classical cyclotomy can be used.

The aim of the talk is to shed some light on these improvements obtained by various authors and give new timings and records obtained with them.

連絡先: 趙 晋輝

« 工学系数学統一試験 | トップページ | 墨塗りだけでは不十分 »





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« 工学系数学統一試験 | トップページ | 墨塗りだけでは不十分 »
