Alfred Menezes 教授の講演会
日時:7月13日(金) 16:00~17:30
Title: Another Look at Provable Security: Does Tightness Matter?
Speaker: Prof. Alfred Menezes
Affiliation: University of Waterloo
Abstract: The search for mathematically rigorous security proofs for cryptographic protocols has been an important theme of researchers over the past twenty years. We discuss the question of how to interpret non-tight reductionist security proofs in cryptography, and give some examples to illustrate the subtlety and difficulty of this question. This is joint work with Neal Koblitz.
« WISA 2007 の Accepted Papers | トップページ | IEICE ソ大会の企画 »
- 談話会: Constructing pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves using Weil restriction(2010.01.26)
- ワークショップ: 『情報量的セキュリティ技術の理論と実用化の最前線』(2009.11.17)
- 講演会(中止): A digital Signatures Algorithm with a generator kept secret(2009.10.22)
- 講演会: A digital Signatures Algorithm with a generator kept secret(2009.10.14)
- 談話会: Fully Homomorphic Encryption With Relatively Small Message and Key Sizes(2009.11.16)